~New Year’s Offer: Favourite Stargate Codes of Emmanuel 50% off Jan 5th to Jan 20th~


These 10 selected transmissions that are amidst the most valuable of the Stargate Code of Emmanuel – Series.  Each are treasure troves, with deeply holographic inter-field akasha overlapping mosaics of deep repositories of meaning, and archetypes across ancient cultures.

Ananda chose his favourites for you out of the whole series.

All transmissions are 50 % off and cost $ 45.00. They can be also gifted to your friends, family or kindred spirits. You will receive the log-in link directly after the payment. For your order and further questions please contact us at: cosmos@anandabosman.com

Browse EnglishCatalogue



Ananda hat diese 10 Übermittlungen ausgewählt, die zu den wertvollsten der Stargate Code der Emmanuel- Serie gehören.

Jede von ihnen ist eine Schatztruhe, mit tief holografischen Inter-Feld-Akasha sich überlappenden Mosaiken von tiefen Bedeutungsspeichern und Archetypen über alte Kulturen hinweg.

Alle Übermittlungen sind auf Englisch mit deutscher Simultanübersetzung und kosten jeweils 45 Euro. Sie können auch verschenkt werden. Ihr erhaltet sofort nach Zahlung den Zugangslink für Euere Email. Euere Zahlung kann via Paypal, Wise oder Banküberweisung erfolgen. Bitte kontaktiert uns für Euere Bestellung und für weitere Fragen unter:  cosmos@anandabosman.com 

Hier gehts zum Katalog

~Holiday Offer: 50% off from December 14th to January 1st 2025~


The catalogue of webinar-seminars by Ananda over the last 5 years is almost like a jungle. Here we have extracted 24 key ones.

These are absolutely quintessential webinar-seminars by Ananda, that inspire, support, expand, and cultivate coherence, compassion, and consciousness clarification. These are great presents, for the deep spiritual, mystical and philosophical work.

All transmissions are 50 % off and cost $ 45.00. They can also be gifted to your friends, family or kindred spirits. You will receive the log-in link directly after the payment. For your order and further questions please contact us at: cosmos@anandabosman.com

Browse EnglishCatalogue



Der Katalog der Webinar-Seminare von Ananda aus den letzten 5 Jahren gleicht einem Dschungel. Daher haben wir für Euch 24 der quintessentiellen Schlüsselübermittlungen herausgearbeitet.

Bei den folgenden Übermittlungen handelt es sich um absolut essentielle Webinar-Seminare von Ananda, die inspirieren, unterstützen, erweitern und Kohärenz, Mitgefühl und Bewusstseinsklarheit kultivieren.

Ebenfalls sind sie großartige Geschenke für die tiefe spirituelle, mystische und philosophische Arbeit.

Alle Übermittlungen sind jeweils 45 Euro und können auch verschenkt werden. Ihr erhaltet sofort nach Zahlung den Zugangslink für Euere Email. Bitte kontaktiert uns für Euere Bestellung und für weitere Fragen unter:  cosmos@anandabosman.com

Hier gehts zum Katalog

UFO/UAP Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Press Conference Aug. 21, 2021 – Ananda Bosman

Academic & Civilian UFOlogical Community’s Response to the UAP Task Force.pdf

Press Statement   &

First Announcement of the 

UFO/UAP Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Press Conference Aug. 21, 2021 -Ananda Bosman together with our Media Partner ExopoliticsTV: 

Press Statement

by Ananda Bosman

Vancouver, Soundhouse Studios & via Press Room Online, August 21st, 2021

Press Release

Press Statement by Ananda Bosman (organizer of “JFK & the Alien Presence” Press Conference, 1991 Copenhagen). Co-organizer with Yann Vadnais (Garpan.ca) and Alfred Lambremont Webre (Exopolitics.com) of the “Multi-Metropolitan Academic UFOlogy Press Conference in response to the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force Report on UFOs/UAPs)”.
Venue:  Vancouver, BC, August 21st, 2021 via Press Room.
In response to the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force Report assembled from all branches of the US Government, Military, Intelligence — the International Academic and Civilian UFOlogical Community, will voice its independent evaluation of the UAPTS report, with related relevant research, as an independent voice for critical review.
There are three main UFOlogy groups (with subgroups):
1. Studies the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH), extraterrestrial life, genetic and cultural intervention, and the ET contact/experience, at face value.
2. Represents the civilian, scientific, and academic researchers, takes the anthropological approach, and may be inclined towards the Hyperdimensional Hypothesis (HDH); the Ultraterrestrial Hypothesis (UTH); or the Superintelligence Hypothesis (SIH).
3. Strictly adheres to Military UFOlogy that investigates and postulates unacknowledged unconventional exotic technology covertly possessed by foreign or domestic nations, exhibiting the behavior of some UFO cases.
A combination of factors is always open for review as evidence accrues.
The International Academic and Civilian UFOlogical Community will voice its research findings, criteria, and data, to coordinate the coherent integration of results into scientific discourses, and related transdisciplinary fields, in advancing our comprehension, and innovating this field of UAP research, with an independent academic voice of free information
Note that this is the English speaking wing of the international event. Montreal will be held in De Lux Media Studio.
Paris, in the BTLV TV Studios.
The Spanish wing in Aeropuerto Orión studios Buenos Aires/Vancouver. Links are in our enclosed general press statement PDF below.
Academic & Civilian UFOlogical Community’s Response to the UAP Task Force.pdf


Register in advance for this Press Conference here: 

Vancouver, BC (English):
Mainstream Media, Local Media, Alternative Media, Other-Media go to PRESS ROOM
Live broadcasting of the Conference on YouTube HERE

On the ExopoliticsTV YouTube channel 


Montreal TV Studio, Paris BTLV TV Studios (French) go to PRESS ROOM HERE
Live broadcasting on Lux Média HERE


Buenos Aires (Spanish):      Live Streaming HERE 


March 23rd: Ananda Live in Vancouver~ 1-Day Seminar




“The Designer World – Co-Creatorship, Coherence, and You”

MARCH 23rd, 2024


Seminar Topics Include:

  • Biological Transhumanism
  • Beyond the Universe is a Simulation theory
  • The Designer World is Interactive
  • How to Login to the Designer World
  • The NASA Lies about Reality — Implications to the Designer World
  • 1990s Founder of the 432Hz Popular & Electronic Music, Sacred Numbers & Geometry of the Designer World
  • The Pan-Ultimate Eschatology of All Is God
  • The Hyperdimensions of the Designer World
  • The Superintelligence Hypothesis: A Superintelligence Behind the UFO Intelligences & Contact,  with Implications in the Designer World Model & Designer World Aware & Awake Mankind
  • Co-Creatorship in the Designer World Model

Follow this Link to find more information about topics, venue & buying your ticket

or Just scan QR Code below