All Is God the Book ~ Out Now!

Out Now: Ananda’s long awaited book:  All Is God 

Check out his Intro to his worldwide released new book below and get it in English on,,,, (or in your country’s amazon store) for a perfect holiday read: 
ALL IS GOD, has special detail placed in the many many footnotes, that anchor and ground much of the content, to inform, and enable the reader to further research and delve into each area, for themselves, with greater depth.

The illustrations speak and are arranged in accordance with one another, so as to “speak” with each other, and convey a gallery of understanding in cascades, with numerous embedded fields of novelty and discovery there to uncover. 

Whilst the meat of the nook is nutritiously rich with experience, detail, uniqueness, Spirit, and Being. Enjoy the read!

Diving into Superconsciousness~Out Now!

Out Now:  Diving into Superconsciousness

Following his NDEs Ananda had access to a source of numinous intelligence the Emmanuels that expanded him into superconscious states of being.

This is one of those neuro-cybernetic communications at the peak of the contacts. 

Get it HERE