It is with great pleasure that we announce the release of the book:
Explorations Into All-Oneness:
The Light of Emmanuel.
Now published as a Kindle (for color pictures), and as a worldwide distribution paperback book (black and white pictures).
It has new chapters, never released before, and a massive 2013 introduction by Ananda that makes this book exceptionally important, as it bridges the divide, via 8 Hz: Einstein Image Channelling; the UFO and 8 Hz; the Universal Mind and 8 Hz.
As Psionics and US Psionic Teams are now going mainstream, with regards to the covert UFO programs in the USA, which use 8Hz and sensory deprivation to summon UFOs, including the 8-fold UFO retrieved by US helicopter pilot Jake Barber,
this book, which is the hallmark of Ananda’s teenage phase in life, where the Emmanuel contacts came together with the UFO — this book gives the cosmology of the UFO Intelligences, and the Umbrella of Cosmic Intelligence by which they are unified as Sons and Daughters of All-Oneness.
Unlike other protocols, 8 Hz is compassion, love in action, the peak coherence of the heart, which dispels the demonic and phase cancels the static.
Many footnotes have been added with valuable comments, references and links, and every verse is numbered for study.
New references and a new layout.
So this is an exciting release. It demonstrates the early foundation work of Ananda as a teenager in Avalon region of England, and the legacy Image Foundry from the Emmanuel’s that became the foundation mosaic of his emergence as a visionary semantic artist — this was the root of it all!
Buy it here on amazon