In the “Vortexijah~Diamond Body/Light Body Starship Field Propulsion-Training” – the 8Hz Unification of all 8 Opposites as the Practice of our Age Ananda is teaching us the Unification of All 8 Opposites. In this workshops series he is combining Mankind‘s most Ancient light Body-Vehicle with the most Modern Superconducting Physics!
About the Training:
This is a series of intense training retreats, in which Ananda transmits the protocols of his “Vortexijah Light Body Star Ship“-method, the unification of all opposites in us – bringing this field to the absolute leading edge of Light Body science, techniques, meditations, & protocols.
As our body has 7 nervous energy plexi, vortexes, that feed 7 endocrine glands, now commonly known as the Chakra’s from the East, these are 7 glands with 7 measurable vortexes, and they are produced from what Ananda calls the “Vortexijah”.
The Vortexijah-Field consists neither of light nor electricity, but it is a field of electro-gravitational energies which surrounds and flows continuously through our body, as part of the Unified Field, together with the 8 Hz coherent field continuum of DNA replication, and peak coherence in cardio, brain, and plexus coccygeal.
Therefore the Vortexijah begins with pure consciousness – with “All is God”. Utilised by Willed-Intent, upon a cultivated foundation of Ontological Being, as Anthropic Sentience. The engagement of cardio-rythm coherence, that peaks at 8 Hz, also entrains the brain at the hemisphere synchronization frequency of 8 cycles per second, the most creative brain state.
During the training, Ananda is teaching, or reminding, us how to connect these energy centres of the body. He transmits methods to activate and trinitise the personal Heart-, Life-, and Light-Centre, with their own 8-fold symmetry and 7 diverse components that build the body), including the teaching of the secret of the 8-fold spin unification of all 8 poles by the 8Hz Star Ship Lens for the re-realisation of the personal Light Body Starship, as a dialy practice, sustained coherent neurocybernetics, and for the Beyond.
About the trinitisation Ananda says:
“Don’t go just to the light above, the life below or just to the heart in the mid, but to all three at the same time. Then you are not caught in polarity!“
Through all these over 200 exercises, protocols, and meditations in compassionate love in action, 8Hz, the participants have the opportunity to re-connect with their personal Unity-Self and to become aware of their full potential as well as to integrate their true universal & divine core in a deeply touching way, that is individually unique, and instils co-creativity and wellbeing.
Ananda has developed hundreds of state of the art protocols, exercises, meditations and computer animations of multidimensional sacred geometry that he has pioneered for his famous “Vortexijah Light Body Starship Propulsion Field“- Method.
Already in 1994 he developed the new field of Inter-Geometry which is not 3D NOR 4D, but truly INTER-dimensional geometry that transcends the 3rd dimension based on the most advanced hyperscience & unifies all opposites of our duality.
This now the new hadronic mechanical science branch of ISOTOPIC Geometry, which Ananda encorporates into the training, as a psychological application of this brand new Hadronic Mechanics.
All this together forms a unified system, a new Yoga of 8Hz, based on the Primordial Yoga of the Manu, for maximum efficient realisation, that can be carried on by the individual, once practiced, in their own Unique Way.
The Vortexijah Method is a variation of the most secret techniques of the Buddhistic Chakra Vajra, proto-Sanskrit Vajratha of the Rg Veda, as well as the original techniques of the Pakua Vehicles from the Taoist. Over centuries, those techniques were only taught to a few chosen ones.
We are now, however, living in a time where “the secret is, to give away the secret!” –
To all truly interested and sincere people!
Each of the 5 Parts include numerous practical exercises, protocols, and meditations, as well as computer animated lectures to illustrate & internalize the exercises.
The next “Vortexijah~Diamond Body Lotus Training” by Ananda Bosman is scheduled for 2021 in Sedona/AZ, USA.
Please contact us for more details about the Venue & the Dates & Joining the Waiting List
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