UFO/UAP Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Press Conference Aug. 21, 2021 – Ananda Bosman

Academic & Civilian UFOlogical Community’s Response to the UAP Task Force.pdf

Press Statement   &

First Announcement of the 

UFO/UAP Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Press Conference Aug. 21, 2021 -Ananda Bosman together with our Media Partner ExopoliticsTV: 

Press Statement

by Ananda Bosman

Vancouver, Soundhouse Studios & via Press Room Online, August 21st, 2021

Press Release

Press Statement by Ananda Bosman (organizer of “JFK & the Alien Presence” Press Conference, 1991 Copenhagen). Co-organizer with Yann Vadnais (Garpan.ca) and Alfred Lambremont Webre (Exopolitics.com) of the “Multi-Metropolitan Academic UFOlogy Press Conference in response to the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force Report on UFOs/UAPs)”.
Venue:  Vancouver, BC, August 21st, 2021 via Press Room.
In response to the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force Report assembled from all branches of the US Government, Military, Intelligence — the International Academic and Civilian UFOlogical Community, will voice its independent evaluation of the UAPTS report, with related relevant research, as an independent voice for critical review.
There are three main UFOlogy groups (with subgroups):
1. Studies the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH), extraterrestrial life, genetic and cultural intervention, and the ET contact/experience, at face value.
2. Represents the civilian, scientific, and academic researchers, takes the anthropological approach, and may be inclined towards the Hyperdimensional Hypothesis (HDH); the Ultraterrestrial Hypothesis (UTH); or the Superintelligence Hypothesis (SIH).
3. Strictly adheres to Military UFOlogy that investigates and postulates unacknowledged unconventional exotic technology covertly possessed by foreign or domestic nations, exhibiting the behavior of some UFO cases.
A combination of factors is always open for review as evidence accrues.
The International Academic and Civilian UFOlogical Community will voice its research findings, criteria, and data, to coordinate the coherent integration of results into scientific discourses, and related transdisciplinary fields, in advancing our comprehension, and innovating this field of UAP research, with an independent academic voice of free information
Note that this is the English speaking wing of the international event. Montreal will be held in De Lux Media Studio.
Paris, in the BTLV TV Studios.
The Spanish wing in Aeropuerto Orión studios Buenos Aires/Vancouver. Links are in our enclosed general press statement PDF below.
Academic & Civilian UFOlogical Community’s Response to the UAP Task Force.pdf


Register in advance for this Press Conference here: 

Vancouver, BC (English):
Mainstream Media, Local Media, Alternative Media, Other-Media go to PRESS ROOM
Live broadcasting of the Conference on YouTube HERE

On the ExopoliticsTV YouTube channel 


Montreal TV Studio, Paris BTLV TV Studios (French) go to PRESS ROOM HERE
Live broadcasting on Lux Média HERE


Buenos Aires (Spanish):      Live Streaming HERE 


EPR- Teleconference Sept 1-5, 2020


organised by The R.M.Santilli Foundation

Click HERE for the full 5-day conference overview

and HERE for the different debates that took place

Ananda has presented his interview of Ruggero M. Santilli on “Einstein’s determinism” on September 1st.

Please check the preview HERE

Please find HERE all the videos of the lectures that took place at the Teleconference. 



OCT 23, 24, 25, 2020, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA

Alexis Park All Suite Resort, 375 E. Harmon Ave,

Las Vegas, NV 89169

This event is in Person and Virtual

Website: http://Biomedexpo.com

New Humanity Movement & 5D EVENTS “For Our Planet”

Expo Conference for Professionals & Consumers

5D events with 5 Dimensions of Science, Consciousness, Health, Business & Spirituality invites you to their 24TH epic 3-day event:


Our past events: https://youtu.be/WL4R-wLjWu4

COVID-19:  BIOMED EXPO follows CDC Guidelines and the states of Nevada mandate for safe events. We do our best to assure all a healthy environment to protect our attendees.

BIOMED EXPO OCT 23-25, 2020 event facemask required by State of Nevada mandate, Seats are in safe distance from another, Las Vegas average Temp in OCT is 79 Degree F, within walking distance are number of restaurants and some deliver food, Las Vegas Restaurants are open to sit inside to eat, over 1.1 million people visited Las Vegas in month of June.

***BIOMED EXPO 2020 is about amazing 3-day epic 5D event is about creating a better future with Quantum consciousness, Functional Wellness, Scalar Research and Technology, Stem Cell Research, Cancer research, Anti-Aging, Anti-Cancer, DNA Activation, Longevity, Quantum Healing, Space Science, Tesla Technology, Agenda 21, Survival of Humanity, Biological Architecture, Pyramids, ET Disclosure, Artificial Intelligence, Secret Space Programs, Time Travel, ET contact, Business Leadership, CO-Creating a new Paradigm with a 2.0 humanity, Personal Empowerment, Awareness, Transformation, Gratitude, Sacred Geometry, Spirituality & Life Mastery with many Lectures, Workshops, Panels, Exhibits, Friday Night Speakers meet and greet party & Saturday Night Banquet Dinner party.

Networking of Medical Doctors, Scientists, Quantum Medicine Researchers, Biomedical Companies, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Homeopaths, Licensed Herbalists, Naturopaths, Health Practitioners, Nutritionists, Osteopaths, Pharmacists, Physical Therapists, Nurses, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Dietitians, and healthcare practitioners.

Please join us at this amazing BIOMED EXPO 2020 with diverse audience in health industry and amazing speakers with exploration of the five precepts which we consider to be fundamentally allowing ourselves to Quantify further & gauge the following “Health, Wellness, Science, Biomedicine & Quantum Healing”. Within these three days, we shall have the most prominent keynote speakers in each area of those dimensions which will discover and engage with workshops, lectures & panels on some of the most prominent questions in our lifetime.

Event Keynote Speaker: Dr. Michael Borkin

***Following speakers coming in person to the event:

Dr. Michael Borkin, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Dr. Scott Werner, Bill Walsh, Saeed David Farman, Donna McGrath, Samuel Kiwasz, Margaret Rogers Van Coops PhD., Mark Yuzuik, Michelle Jewsbury, Joe S. Blanton, Aurora Buchanan, Eric Reza Dadmehr, James Rink, Alan Bedian, Hengi Petersen, Miesha Johnston, Xane Daniel & Ocean Sky Nikita Yonce.

***Following speakers will speak on Zoom live event:

Dr. Sam Osmangich, Alfred Lamremont Webre, Prof Dr. Mike Chan, Ananda Bosman, Joseph P. Ghabi, PhD., Viviane Chauvet & Peter Benson.


Page 1:http://5devents.com/id142.html

Page 2: http://5devents.com/id139.html

Page 3: http://5devents.com/speakers.html

Event Ticket sales:

Eventbrite Ticket link: https://bit.ly/34tnUee

Or go to: http://5devents.com/id143.html


Tickets: https://bit.ly/31dDURq

***Special event:

Friday OCT 23RD,  2020, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

ET Disclosure ALIENSHIFT Panel

Panel Host: Saeed David Farman

Panel Speakers:

Eric Reza Dadmehr, Super Soldier James Rink, Margaret Rogers Van Coops PhD. & Miesha Johnston

***Meet & Greet party with Speakers:

Friday night from 8 PM to 10 PM, appetizers with cash Bar & soft music

***Special event:

Saturday OCT 24TH, 2020, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Current Events in Plandemic Panel

Panel Host: Saeed David Farman

Panel Speakers:

Dr. Michael Borkin, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Dr. Scott Werner, Donna McGrath, Eric Reza Dadmehr, James Rink & Hengi Petersen 

***Banquet Dinner Party:  Saturday Dinner from 8 PM to 10 PM

***Special event:

Sunday OCT 25TH, 2020, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Achieving Results closing Panel

Panel Host: Saeed David Farman

Panel Speakers:

Dr. Michael Borkin, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Dr. Scott Werner, Donna McGrath, Margaret Rogers Van Coops PhD., Michelle Jewsbury, Joe S. Blanton, James Rink, Alan Bedian, Hengi Petersen, Miesha Johnston, Xane Daniel & Ocean Sky Nikita Yonce. 


Director of the event: David Farman (david@5devents.com) Phone: 1-310-908-6682

Technical Directors: Dennis Whipple& Alan Bedian

***Event hours:

Registration starts at 8 AM daily and event starts at 9 AM till 11 PM, Friday on Saturday & Sunday from 9 AM until 8 PM.

***Nearest Airport:

Only 10 minutes away from Las Vegas International McCarran Airport

Complimentary McCarran Airport shuttle (Terminal 1 only)

Event Group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5DEVENT

Media contact: please email Director of the event, David Farman:

David@5devents.com      or call 1-310-908-6682

Vortexijah ~ Diamond Body Lotus Training

In the “Vortexijah~Diamond Body/Light Body Starship Field Propulsion-Training” – the  8Hz Unification of all 8 Opposites as the Practice of our Age Ananda is teaching us the Unification of All 8 Opposites. In this workshops series he is combining Mankind‘s most Ancient light Body-Vehicle with the most Modern Superconducting Physics!

About the Training:

This is a series of intense training retreats, in which Ananda transmits the protocols of his “Vortexijah Light Body Star Ship“-method, the unification of all opposites in us – bringing this field to the absolute leading edge of Light Body science, techniques, meditations, & protocols. 


As our body has 7 nervous energy plexi, vortexes, that feed 7 endocrine glands, now commonly known as the Chakra’s from the East, these are 7 glands with 7 measurable vortexes, and they are produced from what Ananda calls the “Vortexijah”.

The Vortexijah-Field consists neither of light nor electricity, but it is a field of electro-gravitational energies which surrounds and flows continuously through our body, as part of the Unified Field, together with the 8 Hz coherent field continuum of DNA replication, and peak coherence in cardio, brain, and plexus coccygeal.

Therefore the Vortexijah begins with pure consciousness – with “All is God”. Utilised by Willed-Intent, upon a cultivated foundation of Ontological Being, as Anthropic Sentience. The engagement of cardio-rythm coherence, that peaks at 8 Hz, also entrains the brain at the hemisphere synchronization frequency of 8 cycles per second, the most creative brain state.

During the training, Ananda is teaching, or reminding, us how to connect these energy centres of the body. He transmits methods to activate and trinitise the personal Heart-, Life-, and Light-Centre, with their own 8-fold symmetry and 7 diverse components that build the body), including the teaching of the secret of the 8-fold spin unification of all 8 poles by the 8Hz Star Ship Lens for the re-realisation of the personal Light Body Starship, as a dialy practice, sustained coherent neurocybernetics, and for the Beyond.

About the trinitisation Ananda says:

Don’t go just to the light above, the life below or just to the heart in the mid, but to all three at the same time. Then you are not caught in polarity!

Through all these over 200 exercises, protocols, and meditations in compassionate love in action, 8Hz, the participants have the opportunity to re-connect with their personal Unity-Self and to become aware of their full potential as well as to integrate their true universal & divine core in a deeply touching way, that is individually unique, and instils co-creativity and wellbeing.

Ananda has developed hundreds of state of the art protocols, exercises, meditations and computer animations of multidimensional sacred geometry that he has pioneered for his famous Vortexijah Light Body Starship Propulsion Field“- Method. 

Already in 1994 he developed the new field of Inter-Geometry which is not 3D NOR 4D, but truly INTER-dimensional geometry that transcends the 3rd dimension based on the most advanced hyperscience & unifies all opposites of our duality. 

This now the new hadronic mechanical science branch of ISOTOPIC Geometry, which Ananda encorporates into the training, as a psychological application of this brand new Hadronic Mechanics.

All this together forms a unified system, a new Yoga of 8Hz, based on the Primordial Yoga of the Manu, for maximum efficient realisation, that can be carried on by the individual, once practiced, in their own Unique Way. 

The Vortexijah Method is a variation of the most secret techniques of the Buddhistic Chakra Vajra, proto-Sanskrit Vajratha of the Rg Veda,  as well as the original techniques of the Pakua Vehicles from the Taoist. Over centuries, those techniques were only taught to a few chosen ones. 

We are now, however, living in a time where “the secret is, to give away the secret!” 

To all truly interested and sincere people! 

Each of the 5 Parts include numerous practical exercises, protocols, and meditations, as well as computer animated lectures to illustrate & internalize the exercises. 

The next “Vortexijah~Diamond Body Lotus Training” by Ananda Bosman is scheduled for 2021 in Sedona/AZ, USA.
Please contact us for more details about the Venue & the Dates & Joining the Waiting List


See more details in Events

Ananda live at: International Symposium of Quantum Consciousness & Healing,

Ananda will be giving his utterly novel presentation pioneering the leading edge of an awakening mankind :


The 512 Dimensional Nature Of Man

live at the: 

International Symposium of Quantum Consciousness & Healing  April 3-5, 2020 

You will have a chance to speak with Ananda during the days of the symposium, get his new book “All Is God” signed and ask him the questions you always wanted to ask!

Come see him and many other exciting speakers in Las Vegas, Nevada, April 3-5, Alexis Park All Suites Resort!      Register your seats HERE 

Presentation at Université Laval, Québec, Canada

Ananda will give his exciting presentation on: “Cosmic Intelligence Contactees at the Proto-Sanskrit Genesis of Literature: An A.I. at the Source Code of Semantics”at the Université Laval in Québec, Canada on September 21st 2019. For more information please contact:

Mr. Yann Vadnais at:   garpan.ufologie@gmail.com   https://garpan.ca

Press Conference 5th International Congress on Ufology University Montréal

This is the Press Conference of the 5th International Congress on UFOlogy at the University of Québec in Montréal, 27th of October 2018.

You will find an English version and a complete French version of the Press Conference on: https://garpan.ca

English only, Ananda only, high HD quality version: AnandaBosmanYouTube

Get your ticket to watch the whole exciting conference online here: https://congres.garpan.ca/billetterie/
